Studying in the pathway program is an important experience for me,especially in my academic study. I gained many useful skills related to academic study.First of all, i learned to be a critical thinker. As a graduate student in Sport Management, it is necessary for me to have my own point of view both in class and out of class. Secondly, i learned the writing styles and strategies in my own field, which is helpful to my future study. Thirdly, sports is a global industry. So the skills i learned in the pathway program to communicate with intercultural students are the keys for my future success in this field. In addition, i hope i could have a chance to apply for an internship in some sports clubs in the future. All these skills i learned in the pathway program will contribute a lot for my future success in Sport Management.
Academic plan of study.
In this part, i list my academic goals,the courses I plan to study in the program, my academic advisors and the progression requirement of my discipline.
Artifacts and Writing Samples
i attached my mid-term research paper from PROV 501-P04, final poster from EAP 507 class and final case analyze from SPMT 614 class in this part.